Decathlon: The CK Yang & Rafer Johnson Story

隨著 2024 年夏季奧運的圓滿落幕,台灣選手的精彩表現還讓大家熱血沸騰吧!今年台灣女子拳擊和男子羽球雙打都奪得金牌,整個台灣都被勝利的喜悅包圍。

我們誠摯邀請您觀賞紀錄片《奧運傳奇:楊傳廣與強森》(Decathlon: The CK Yang & Rafer Johnson Story),一起重溫奧運場上的熱血時刻。本片講述台灣第一位奧運十項全能銀牌得主楊傳廣,與美國奧運金牌得主拉斐爾·強森之間的競爭與兄弟情誼。

紀錄片不僅展現了兩位運動員如何突破體能極限,也描繪了他們在 1960 年對抗種族歧視和政治壓力的故事。這段歷史在當今依然感人,體現了運動的無國界精神與多元文化的價值。

訂位 :

With the successful conclusion of the 2024 Summer Olympics, the outstanding performances of Taiwanese athletes have left everyone exhilarated! This year, Taiwan’s women’s weightlifting and men’s badminton doubles teams both won gold medals, filling the entire nation with the joy of victory.

We sincerely invite you to join us in watching the documentary Decathlon: The CK Yang & Rafer Johnson Story. Let’s relive those thrilling Olympic moments together! This film tells the story of Taiwan’s first Olympic decathlon silver medalist, CK Yang, and the American Olympic gold medalist, Rafer Johnson, and the unique bond of friendship and rivalry between them.

The documentary not only showcases how these two athletes pushed their physical limits but also depicts their fight against racial discrimination and political pressures in the 1960s. This history is still moving today, highlighting the boundless spirit of sports and the value of multiculturalism.

We look forward to your presence!


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