Film Title:【 Long Time No Sea 只有大海知道 】
When:【2/24(六)11:00am – 1:30pm】
Where:【Rutgers Busch Campus Center, Room 122】
Address:【604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854】
Event Register: https://forms.gle/HikitMXYQCM3Pwdf6
Parking Register: https://reurl.cc/Qe20KZ
Guest Parking Info: https://reurl.cc/4QaOV3
2/24 我們將放映<<只有大海知道>>,這一部改編自蘭嶼的真實故事,導演透過籌備舞蹈大賽的片段,重現當年展演隊孩子們拾回傳統的過程,傳達出「以自我文化為榮耀」的想法。影片中原本逐漸疏離的祖孫親情,也因馬那衛穿上丁字褲跳舞、吟唱傳統歌謠而再次靠近。本片帶領觀眾走進真實的蘭嶼,在當代雅美(達悟)文化斷層的漂流風景中,觀照親情、遺棄與愛的命題,並側寫隔代教養問題。全片僅老師一角為專業演員,其餘皆由雅美(達悟)族素人出演。
Inspired by a true story, the director reiterates the reclaiming of traditions through the children’s preparation for a dance competition. The grandmother-grandson relationship that is drifting apart is brought close again as Manawei sings and dances in traditional ethnic costume. Bathed in the spirit of “our culture, our pride”, the film depicts an authentic, rarely seen side of Orchid Island, and engages issues of family relationships, love, abandonment, and grandparenting problems against the backdrop of the Yami(Tao) cultural fault line. All characters except the teacher are portrayed by non-professional actors from the Yami(Tao) ethnic group.
RUTSA 熱情邀約